Jennifer is a born and bred Torontonian, inspired and motivated by her city’s developing food and hospitality scene. Her love for the industry stemmed from a desire to offset her diet of fast-food and all things processed as a youth, catalyzing her into her current state as a hedonistic diner and drinker, scouring tasting menus around the city and grazing snack menus and her favourite french fares late night.
She started formally hostessing at the age of 18, but her first role within the industry actually began much earlier when she would walk over to her family run restaurant after elementary school to answer phone calls. She has since continued to explore the ins-and-outs of every FOH position available.
When she isn’t bartending behind the whiskey bar at Belfast Love or stirring cocktails at Walrus, you’ll often find her sitting solo at her favourite restaurant’s bars with a book in one hand and a cocktail in another.
Though she lives for nerdy convos about fun food menus, rotating craft beers, general whisky knowledge and building a restaurant ambiance, her true passion and enthusiasm is driven by people and what happens between them when all those previously mentioned ingredients have been perfectly stirred together.
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